Parents' Association

On behalf of the Parents' Association, we would like to extend a warm welcome to each parent.

Building community and friendship with parents at St. Helen's College is at the heart of the PA's vision. Through class representatives, we aim to engage with all parents and give opportunities for parents to get involved with us. The Parents' Association also provides an opportunity for existing parents to raise funds to ensure that the school can offer those "extras" which make such a difference to our children's day to day lives.

Class representatives have a dual role: they help to send out information about the PA's efforts in the school and encourage parent involvement in their class group, and they also collate class feedback about whole school issues to communicate to the Head and Senior Leadership Team, ensuring that all parents have a voice on whole-school matters.

The PA aims to bring parents together and fundraise in a lively and fun way, embracing all willing parents. We try to encourage parental involvement by being motivated, inspiring and effective in the events we organise. Please do get involved - you can contact us via email at: