Assessment, Feedback and Reporting
Children are assessed frequently and given feedback continually to on how they can improve their work and take the next steps in their learning. Teachers also use our unique 'learning logs' to communicate between home and school in the core subjects.
Teacher observation, teaching team discussions, records of work and a variety of tests are combined to profile each child’s progress as he or she moves through the school.
From Year 1, the children’s achievements in maths, English and science are formally assessed each term. Written reports are sent home to parents twice each year, Parents’ Evenings are held formally twice a year, and our annual Exhibition Day gives parents the opportunity to look in detail at their children’s work and classroom displays.
The school’s open door policy means that teachers are available to speak to parents whenever the need should arise. Communication between home and school is crucial to ensure consistency of approach and parents are aware of where pupils are in their learning so that they may support this appropriately at home.
Academic Excellence
- The Science of Learning
- Assessment, Feedback and Reporting
- Challenge for All
- Subjects Taught
- Academic Enrichment
- Scholarships, Results and Destinations