Challenge For All
We believe that all children, whatever their level of knowledge and skills, should be stretched and challenged in every lesson. The bespoke ‘learning logs’ system developed by the school allows teaching staff to assess and track pupils’ progress while also providing a tool for the pupils to reflect on their learning and understand their next steps.
Our high ratio of staff to children means that we can work together to stretch and challenge every pupil.
A significant number of pupils have exceptional knowledge, skills and aptitudes and it is crucial that all children are extended appropriately. Pupils’ strengths are recognised and teachers have high expectations, setting high levels of challenge whether in the classroom, art studio or laboratory, or on the games field. Extra workshops, trips and courses may be offered to stimulate and develop our children.
Many children win scholarships to the senior school of their choice and our carefully considered scholarship programme ensures that children’s potential is identified early and that applicants are very well supported throughout the scholarship process.
Some children find learning to be more challenging than others in some areas. Many of these children, with encouragement and help from school and home, overcome difficulties and thrive academically, but others with specific learning difficulties may need tailored instruction and appropriate additional support.
Early identification of learning difficulties takes place during the first years at school. St. Helen’s College has experienced, well-qualified staff with expertise in addressing learning problems and we call upon outside experts for guidance as necessary. One to one and small group assistance is available for children who experience difficulties. Advice and support are offered to parents so that effective back-up work can take place at home.
Academic Excellence
- The Science of Learning
- Assessment, Feedback and Reporting
- Challenge for All
- Subjects Taught
- Academic Enrichment
- Scholarships, Results and Destinations