Growing Critical Thinkers

Posted on: 13/03/2020

This week I have been so impressed by how our Year 6 pupils have applied their critical thinking skills, knowledge and understanding of mathematics. During a maths lesson one of the children asked Mr. Lewis why they were doing algebra? Instinctively Mr. Lewis set this as their 15 minute homework! What is algebra? The task was set on Google Classroom and the responses and how the children presented their thoughts varied.

I would love to share them all with you. It is pleasing to see the pupils reflecting on what they have been learning at school and why - as Anaiya, Lakhi and Jai in Year 6 responded, 'we started doing algebra in Nursery'!

Do enjoy the examples below - what wonderful students we have! 

Uma D

Anaiya B

Catherine L

Mrs. Drummond

