End of Term News

Posted on: 12/07/2024

Centenary Concert and Art Exhibition

NewsWhat an astonishing day of celebration it was yesterday, as we hosted the Upper School Centenary Art Exhibition and Centenary Concert. Both events took place at the Winston Churchill Hall in Ruislip, a super venue for celebrating the arts.

We transformed the theatre lounge into our own Art Exhibition space for the day, complete with tropical plants, soft music and refreshments. Parents, pupils and staff had plenty of time to peruse artwork created by every child in Years 2 to 6. The variety of techniques and artistic talents on display was truly wonderful; we clearly have many budding artists, designers and sculptors in our midst.


News 3In the evening, the Centenary Concert showcased the extraordinary standards reached by our many, many vocalists, instrumentalists and public speakers. With around one hundred pupils involved, we were treated to performances from the Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Orchestra and Massed Choirs, as well as accomplished solo performances from vocalists and instrumentalists. In addition, four children performed individual spoken recitations of poetry or dramatic extracts. The guitar and string ensembles performed in the lobby as guests arrived too!

This really was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the arts at St. Helen's College. Thank you to all of the families and staff who supported the event, and congratulations to the children who created such incredible artwork and/or performed on the stage. It was an event we will never forget.

Centenary Fun Day

24 07 09 Robins Class Picture News

The rainy weather didn't dampen the children's spirits this week or deter them from enjoying a special Centenary Fun Day on Tuesday. 

Lower School celebrated the 100th birthday of St. Helen's College by taking part in a range of House activities throughout the day. These included creating birthday posters, making delicious fruit kebabs, writing House acrostic poems, completing puzzles, playing games and throwing themselves into lots of singing and dancing!

Children across the school enjoyed a special picnic style lunch menu and at Upper School there was both a movie afternoon and fun and games in the park!

Year 6 Project Exhibition

24 07 09 Year 6 Project News

It was an absolute pleasure to host the Year 6 Project Exhibition on Tuesday when our talented pupils showcased their individual project work. The pupils presented a research project of their choice to parents, peers and staff in a terrific display of hard work and creativity.

It was so inspiring to hear the children's passion and excitement for their chosen subject and the flair with which they produced their work. Everything from science and technology to history, geography, art, textiles, music and sport was represented. The quality of work was truly outstanding and offered, perhaps, a glimpse at where their future careers may take them! 


Ducklings Sports Day

News 2On Thursday Ducklings took part in their first St. Helen's College Sports Day. Parents were invited to cheer the children on as they participated in a variety of fun games and activities in the Ducklings grounds. This was a wonderful way for the Ducklings to round off their first year of development at St. Helen's College. We know that they have all laid super foundations for the future and look forward to seeing them at increasingly sophisticated Sports Days as the years progress!




Year 1 Trip to Mad Bess Wood

NewsOn Wednesday Year 1 enjoyed a trip to Mad Bess Wood in Ruislip. Despite a heavy downfall during lunch, rain did not stop play for the children! They had lots of fun playing on the lawn with a variety of toys before going on a mini trek in the woods. They used magnifying glasses to explore the minibeasts and had the opportunity to identify and name the different plants and trees they discovered. 

After lunch they had a visit from Pino and his ice cream van which was a real hit with children and staff alike! Then, the children had a sneaky peek in Mrs. Hunt's garden and found some of the sunflowers they had planted in the spring. All agreed it was a wonderful way to celebrate a fantastic year.  

Year 6 Teacher For A Day

NewsYear 6 stepped into the shoes of teachers and staff across the school for 'Teacher For A Day' this week. The children began by leading a very organised and professional Upper School assembly and then took to the classrooms where they led and assisted in lessons across the year groups.

At Lower School the children led football training sessions, creative arts activities and joined in with fun phonics lessons. At Upper School the children shadowed staff in the classroom and beyond, experiencing a day in the life of a school chef, librarian, PE teacher and school secretary!  They all did a terrific job and enjoyed the experience immensely. 


Year 3 and 4 Tennis Finals

NewsOur talented Year 3 and 4 tennis finalists hit the court this week in the hotly contested SHC Tennis Competition. The standard of play was outstanding. All the finalists played with terrific flair in thrilling, competitive matches. The atmosphere court side was electric as the final points were decided. In the end the winners were:  

Isaac A and Emerald S in Year 3

Aadhya M and Rayhan R in Year 4 

Well done to everyone who took part in the competition; it was fantastic to watch tennis of such a high standard. 


ABRSM Examination Results

We are very proud of all of our musicians and vocalists who have achieved great results in their ABRSM exams this term. 

Penelope A-C 6L Piano Initial Merit
Viren C 6L Cello Grade 1 Distinction
Arjun S 6L Piano Initial Distinction
Emily S 6L Piano Grade 3 Merit
Arjun C 6H Guitar Grade 3 Pass
Marco K 6H Guitar Grade 2 Pass
Grace O'H 6H Cello Grade 3 Pass
Aiden T 6H Guitar Grade 3 Merit
Alexander A 5G Singing Grade 2 Distinction
Alexander A 5G Cello Grade 1 Merit
Zinnia M 5G Trumpet Grade 2 Pass
Simrina N 5G Singing MT Grade 3 Merit
Simrina N 5G Flute Grade 2 Pass
Mikail O 5G Piano Initial Distinction
Sayaan S 5G Cello Grade 2 Merit
Ashvika A 5R Piano Grade 5 Pending
Aaryav K 5R Guitar Grade 2 Merit
Dhani C 4B Singing MT Grade 1 Merit
Shayna C 4B Cello Grade 1 Merit
Shayna C 4B Singing MT Grade 2 Merit
Shayna C 4B Piano Grade 2 Pending
Ella K 4B Piano Grade 2 Pass
Naiya L 4T Piano Initial Merit
Naiya L 4B Singing MT Grade 1 Distinction
Aaran T 4B Piano Grade 1 Pass
Leo A 4T Piano Grade 1 Pass
Leo A 4T Singing Grade 2 Distinction
Amara B 4T Piano Grade 2 Pass
Avleen P 4T Singing Grade 1 Distinction
Avleen P 4T Piano Grade 1 Merit
Aran P 4T Cello Grade 4 Pass
Parisa S 4T Singing MT Grade 2 Distinction
Anika C 3B Piano Grade 1 Merit
Zoe F 3B Piano Grade 3 Pass
Eleanor G 3B Singing Grade 1 Distinction
Eleanor G 3B Piano Grade 1 Distinction
Liberty Y 3B Piano Grade 1 Distinction
Alicia Z 3B Singing MT Grade 2 Distinction
Ajooni G 3M Singing MT Grade 1 Merit
Emily K 3M Piano Grade 1 Pass
Alba M 3M Piano Grade 1 Merit
Aayan B 2R Singing Prep Pass
Siara R 2R Piano Prep Pass


LAMDA Examination Results

What a wonderful set of examination results we have received for the pupils who recently took examinations here at SHC. Very well done to all of the children.

Riya S - Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Eva J - Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Anika C - Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Anna K - Acting Grade 1 Distinction
Zoe F - Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Mustafa F - Acting Grade 1 Distinction
Elisa K - Acting Entry Level Distinction
Hana H - Acting Grade 1 Distinction
Senna G - Acting Grade 1 Distinction
Amaya L - Acting Grade 1 Merit
Aryan S - Acting Entry Level Merit
Shanaiya K - Acting Grade 2 Distinction
Sienna K - Acting Entry Level Merit 
Naiya L - Speaking in Public Grade 3 Merit

Music Lessons

We are proud to offer a range of music lessons here at St. Helen's College from Reception through to Year 6. Music lessons are taught on a one-to-one basis by our talented team of specialist music teachers, many of whom work professionally in the music industry.  From Reception children can learn the violin or the 'cello, and from Year 2 children can learn a wider variety of instruments including flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello, piano, singing and guitar (NB: guitar can be learnt from Year 3). 

Allocations are currently being placed to children already on the waiting list for music lessons. If you would like to add you child to the waiting list for music lessons please complete the following Google Form: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejd_XZ8SXTClIyL4p4O8020hMoUVPbTVeu6vKzY4Z9crNZDA/viewform)

Please note: the waiting list for piano lessons is already quite long, however there are spaces for most other instruments to begin in September. The Google Form includes further information, however please contact Mrs. Fawbert on cfawbert@sthelenscollege.com if you have any further queries.

Final Assembly

At our final assembly this morning, we celebrated many of the children's achievements this year. Congratulations to our Year 3 to 5 form prize winners who received trophies and book tokens recognising their academic excellence, exceptional effort and application of school values.

Our outgoing Head Boy and Head Girl gave a super speech as they handed on the positions of responsibility to Year 5 children (see below), and the children listened with enjoyment and emotion to Ms Drummond's farewell speech to the Year 6 leavers, themed around Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

There was much anticipation over the award of the House Cup, of course. Once the House point totals had been tallied for the entire year, the winning House was Hibernia. The House Cup is now decked out in green ribbons and the Hibernia House Captains were extremely proud to accept it on behalf of all of the pupils in their House. The final counts and positions for the year were:

Hibernia - 6334
Windsor - 6307
Cambria - 5277
Caledonia - 4946

It is always emotional saying goodbye to the pupils and families leaving us. We would like to wish them all huge happiness and success in the future, and remind them once again to keep in touch with us here at St. Helen's College.

Pupil Leadership Team

NewsWe are delighted to announce our new Pupil Leadership Team for the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Head Girl: Ashvika A
Head Boy: Maicen M
Deputy Head Girl: Diya B
Deputy Head Boy: Alexander A
Caledonia House Captains: Arya A and Avar D
Cambria House Captains: Amelia L and Samuel H
Hibernia House Captains: Shanaiya K and Veer K
Windsor House Captains: Evie J and Aaryav K

We would like to thank our outgoing Pupil Leadership Team for all that they have done over the last year, and wish our new team luck as they take on these positions of responsibility.

Next Term

Please ensure, over the summer, that your child has all of the correct uniform and equipment for their new year group and that this is all clean, in good repair and named. The uniform and equipment list can be found on the School Documents page of the website.

Co-curricular clubs will begin in the third week of the autumn term; the programme will be published to parents at the start of term for your child to make their selections.

We would like to remind parents, ahead of the new year, that children must arrive at school punctually each morning. Late arrivals are disruptive. Please allow plenty of time for your journey to school to ensure punctuality. 

PA Welcome Event

Please make a note in your diaries for the PA welcome event on Saturday 14th September 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. in the Evans Hall. This is an opportunity to meet the friendly PA team, share fundraising ideas and find out how you can be involved. Everyone is welcome. 

Flu Vaccinations 

Vaccination UK will be visiting the school on Tuesday 19th November to administer the seasonal flu vaccine for Reception through to Year 6. More information and a consent form will follow in the autumn term.